
Schools making summers shorter?

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Why are summers getting shorter every year? Didn't summer used to last until after labor day?




  1. ya we got off school at MAY 23 and now i am in schoo at aug 7th

  2. I always remebered it did!

    I homeschool my son, for the 3rd year in a row, while the rest of the other schools are starting Aug12, I plan on starting my son on 9-1-08. Just because our place dosnt get good ac, its hard to learn when its so darm hot. So were waiting til it cools down some. Plus, I still have some more to get ready for his learning materails.

  3. I have no idea why they're doing it.  When I was in school (yeah, back when dinosaurs ruled the earth), we didn't start until the day after Labor Day, and we got out like June 1 or 2.  And when they had to have faculty meetings, they were before or after school.  And our Thanksgiving break was three days, Christmas was two weeks, and Easter break was Good Friday and Easter Monday.

    By the time I'd gotten to high school, we were starting like the week before Labor Day, Thanksgiving was a whole week, Christmas was the usual two weeks, and Easter had gotten to be a week and a day (either the week before and Easter Monday, or Good Friday and the week after), and we were getting out by Memorial Day.

    Nowdays, they're starting practically the beginning of August (the absolute hottest part of the summer!), and they get days off every time you turn around for teacher meetings, the Fair, Homecoming, MLK Day, American Heritage Day, President's Day, Mardi Gras, Veteran's Day, every kind of "day" you can think of, and they're letting out practically the middle of May.

    I have heard absolutely NO good reasons for it!

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