
Schools starting soon and need a way to wake up early?

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ive been going to sleep at like 12-2 lately and schools starting soon and i want a way to wake up early and stay up. also going to sleep early. i have to get out to the bus stop at around 7:20 so i want to wake up like at 6 so i can shower and get everything ready. please help me!!!




  1. Go to bed around 11 tonight and set your alarm for 8am.  You probably won't be able to go to sleep immediately at 11 anyway. (Try getting some exercise this afternoon and staying away from caffeine and sweets after 7 or so.)

    The next night try to go to bed at 11 again to catch up on some sleep, too. Then progress it backwards by like half an hour every couple of days or weeks, depending on what time you have left between now and the first week of school.

  2. i think you can find alarm clocks that shoot cold water at you.. that would probably work

  3. depends on how much longer you have until school starts. Start tomorrow and push you alarm clock 15 minutes difference than when you have been getting up and increase the 15 min. each day until you are waking up at 6 am. Same for going to bed, head to bed 15 min. earlier than you have been going and slowly increase it until you reach that time. Don't take any naps and stay busy during the day with activites other than watching TV (that alone can put some ppl to sleep). After the first few days, you will have started to train your body to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier.

    Best of luck.

  4. Go to a clock store.  Ask to listen to the alarms on each clock.  You'll find one that is *REALLY* loud.

    I had to do this to adjust to a time change when I moved to Taiwan.  It is how I did it.

  5. Go to sleep early and have your radio to come on with your favorite station at 6am.

  6. The best way to do that is by starting now with going to bed earlier. You need to get your body on a schedule and don't wait till the night before. Depending on what time you wake up now, you might want to slowly start waking up about 10-15 minutes earlier each day. By the time school starts you shouldn't have a problem, (well unless you are out partying nights!!! ) Rest your body, mind and soul.

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