
Science, not so hard.?

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What is the coeffecient of restitution measuring?

I'm doing a science experiment:

Does the surface affect the bounce height of a ball?

Is the coeffecient of restitution relevant?

can you please explain.

Thank you




  1. When a ball bouces for example there is a restitution force causes it to bounce back up. If the coefficient of restitution was 1 then when the ball was released from rest it would bounce back up to the point it was released from -.

    The coefficient of restitution is the ratio of the height it bounces to /release height when hitting a resilient surface (e.g. concrete. )

    A non "bouncy" object with a very small coeff of resitution will bounce more if it hits a surface such as rubber so yes the surface is very important in this respect - so a booncyobject-a rubber ball will not bounce back much if it hits a muddy earth surface .

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