
Science Jobs in These Subjects: Biology and Meteorology?

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So I was wondering a couple of things. First of all how long does it take to get a PhD in Biology: Plant or genetics/DNA? Meteorology?

What profession will I get a better income w/?

What kind of jobs could i get in Meteorology: NASA maybe? Biology?

Is BYU, Provo good for meteorology or should i try to go to Univ. of Oklahoma





  1. PhD can take anywhere from 6 to 8 years depending on the subject, school and what your thesis is on.  I'm not sure which one pays more.

    With meteorology you can get a job either as a teacher or a forecaster.  The National Weather Service and the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration are two big hirers.  And of course there is always tv.

    With a biology degree the options are much more open.  There are many varied branches that you could get a job in like zoology, ecology, biochemistry, botany, entomology, herpetology, microbiology, medical research, etc.  

    BYU is a slightly better school overall, according to US News but I can't find rankings of meteorology depts.

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