
Science Majors: How did you come to your decision?

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Physics, Chemistry, etc... How did you know you were picking the right major?




  1. There isn't necessarily a 'right' major.  Get a balanced education, but emphasize what you enjoy and what you're good at.  Think about what is likely to benefit society, and what you think will enable you to make a satisfactory living.  Consider what you have the means to pursue.  I never even considered anything outside of science or engineering.

  2. For me it wasn't really something I was fascinated by my entire life. I had always liked to sit and watch a storm but I knew plenty who did that and they did care about how it happened. I was turned towards meteorology by a single event, kinda like an epiphany...or something less epic. I was watching Hurricane Isabel run through VA and a little ball of blue lightning popped up in my front yard, hung there for a second and then vanished. It's just led me to a huge desire to learn more about the workings of it all. Turns out I'm not half bad at it either...

  3. I liked staring at the stars when I was younger.  So I went into astrophysics (mostly physics).  A friend of mine liked catching frogs.  So he got a degree in herpetology.  Another friend liked looking for cool rocks in her backyard.  She went into geophysics.  Basically, we spent 10 years in college so we didn't have to grow up.  :)

  4. I just had a natural affinity toward physics. Been that way since I could walk.

  5. I was really good at chemistry and physics in high school, and also excellent in math.  So I went out and got an engineering degree.  I knew it was the right thing to do, when several years after graduation, i noticed that the only thing i'd really done for a living is program computers.

    I also like to work on old cars, and am into amateur astronomy.

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