
Science Quiz?

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why is plastic such an environmental problem because of it molecular structure?

Thats your question for anyone who thinks they are good at science.

Have fun :)




  1. plastics are long chain molecules made from hydrocarbons. Most of the plastics have functional groups attached to them. adding functional groups to a hydrocarbon makes it harder to break the molecule up. Breaking these molecules up requires a great amount of energy (which usually comes from fossil fuel powerstations) so this causes pollution by the power station used to produce the energy and also some of the functional groups are poisinous and contribute to depleting the ozone layer. chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's) are an example of a substance that depletes the ozone layer. plastics can decompose naturally in the presence of UV light but this takes very long periods of time.

  2. Plastic as we all know is useful to all of us in one kind or the other.

    But the main problem of concern is that it is non bio degradable and causes pollution.The reason being that it is made by integrating the finely divided subsances using carbon and in the presence of Oxygen.It takes great doing to disintegrate plastics but once again yhe way tht it is integrated makes it very different.

    A real boon but a bane as well....!?

  3. the original subtances in a chemical reaction are called

  4. plastic is non-biodegradable which means that it does not decompose quickly....

    so it will cause pollution...

    a solution is to burn plastics but,

    Many plastics, particularly PVC when burned resuts in emissions of the deadly poison named dioxin.

    this poison is very dangerous
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