
Science & Religion?

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Can sciecne and religion ever be compatible and compliment each other? Or are they always going to disagree and people will have to choose one or the other?

If you feel this way then maybe that's just your religion, not all religions are this way, particularly if it's the Truth. Please check out sciecne section on the link for more on this:




  1. There has never been a rift between science and religion.  They answer similar questions in a different way.  For most of the past two thousand years, science has been the preserve of the religious: first Greek pagans, then Islam, then in the Renaissance, Christianity.  It's only in the past 20 years that the other world religion, atheism, has joined in.

    Unfortunately, within all 3 religions there is an idiot fringe.  You have Al Qaeda, we have the American Calvinists and atheists have Dawkins.  In fact there is little difference between all three strains of fundamentalism - they all claim to be right, they all refuse to listen to anything other than their own bigotry and they all do the work of the devil.

  2. you should read angels and deamons by dan brown, there is a priest in it who is also a physicst and he basically said god created science, science proves that there is a god

  3. Make your religion the achievements of science and the possibilities it gives you.

  4. They are compatible so long as each stays out of the other's domain.  "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's ...."

  5. religion is only for insecure peole who haven't got the guts to be themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. they're 2 ends of a spectrum, as shown by my favaroute quote ever-

    Science: here is some evidence, let's see what conclusions we can draw from it.

    Religeon: here are some conclusions, what evidence can we find to support them?
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