
Science Research Topic Needed Please!?

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0 LIKES UnLike going to be in tenth grade next year. In my science research class I am going to need to find a topic to continue studying for the next three years...this year was considered to be like a practice year to learn about research. this year i have entered two essay competitions. One that the whole class did and one that my teacher recomended that i enter. I also went with the 10th grade class from this year to a science fair competition. My topic was a future treatment for cancer using single walled carbon nanotubes to litterally blow up cancer cells (look it up its really cool if you have no idea what I`m talking about! lol) I am very interested in the subject but I dont think I can spend three years following it up...i have contacted one of the researchers but Im not to sure. so any advice on topics or on keeping mine because I am very confused. there is a kid in tenth grade this year who is focusing his work on nanotechnology and nanotubes already. so help please?




  1. can you help me what should be the best topic for a research in science?

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