
Science and God the understanding of Both?

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Science is the tool by which we can better understand the will and mind of God. Since everything we do and everything that is done can be explained through science doesn't it stand to reason that this is the language of God.

God is being of nature using the natural world to do his work. just because we can say a meteor shower distroyed sodom and Gamorra it doesnt mean that God didnt send the meteor shower or know that it was going to happen.

Why do you think God makes everyone wait so long for his blessings? He can see the future and he uses this knowledge to make himself seem more powerful and more devine.

This may seem like i am saying God is weak but i am not. He is all powerful in the fact that he created the world but the fact that he uses the natural world to do his bidding instead of just waving his hand and making miracles says alot about his power and his character. What do you think?




  1. science exists

    god doesnt

    you talk absolute nonsense

  2. I agree with you, (I think). That is if I interpret correctly your question. My answer is God's way, God's time.  

  3. you are the type of person whom i cannot understand, even more than i can't understand crazy religious people/ you know that the simple truth is that science and religion contradict each other in immeasurable ways, yet you continue to try and support both. the only explanation i can think of is that you cannot see any reason why science is wrong, but you are too afraid to release your religious beliefs. in other words, you agree with atheists, but you don't like us so you try tell yourself that you believe in god. admit that your argument makes no sense and renounce god before your religious conflict tears you apart inside.

  4. It is simple:

    Science is about the real world and universe.

    God is a myth therefore ignorable.

  5. Yes very good.  It makes me think of the walls of Jericho falling down.  God knew there was an earthquake coming and used it to show the Israelites his power.  The previous answers ignore the proofs of philosophy and theology.

  6. Science is a tiny tool to understand the works of God. But God is not limited to science. Of course, the physical laws are God's laws and He can suspend them at His own will.

    God is beyond science. This universe is beyond science. The origin of life is beyond science. God need not use only scientific laws to get things accomplished.

  7. LAKELY: "Interestingly, Jesus spoke of the Unified field in his preaching, (a modern scientific field)"

    Really? He could have saved modern physicists an awful lot of time and effort in their so far unsuccessful search for a unified field theory, in that case.

    When will fundamentalists stop trying to use the Bible as a science text book?

  8. The problem with this type of reasoning is that it actually eliminates most religious versions of god.

    The naturalist god arguments directly conflict with most religions because they assert that their god is SUPERnatural, or at least their holy text describe the deity as such.

    Any way this is closer to pantheism or deism than it is to religion.

    What this would say about gods character would be the final nail in the coffin because clearly nature operates rationally and consistently (The laws appear rational and they are the same throughout the observable universe) where as the gods of religions are irrational, pretty and morbidly vengeful.

    Not exactly a higher order of reasoning ability is being described in most religions, more like an all powerful kid with an ant farm.

  9. I think much of the answer to these questions can be found in the book of Job  

  10. God isn't confined to our puny knowledge of the laws of science.

    God invented science.

    God is the Daddy of all scientists.

  11. I would say a big Amen to that. science is a tool in which we may see His Awesomeness, but yet at the same wonder of the mystery of His work.    

  12. But Zoltar the Magnificent created god before god created science and decided to play Easter Egg Hunt with mankind,

    You, along with all the other religiouses, are a mental masturbator.

  13. I think that science has yet to prove or disprove the existence of a god.  You're  argument seems more emotion based than data based.  Science is about measurable, observable things.

  14. Z used Occam's Razor.

    God becomes non-existent again.

    Z  receives over 9000 Exp Points!

  15. What a great question!!! I feel much like you in that science is the language of God as you so beautifully put it. You said God is using the natural world to do His work and also mentioned the idea of God making us wait so long for His blessings. If God is the creator of both the world and all that is in it, and that He is allowing or sending as you say, these natural disasters the we are forced to witness and survive, my question then is, Why does He use nature in the way He does and what does it have to do with us receiving some sort of blessing from it?

    I agree that He indeed can see the future and has His knowledge of such to make us see something about His character, but what kind of character could He possible have when what we see all around us, appears as death and destruction involving all these storms and horrific weather events that are occurring at increasing intervals?

    Perhaps it is exactly right, the idea that science and God go hand in hand. If that is the case we need to use science to understand what we can do, as individuals to learn  and participate in it, so that we not only can begin to identify the reality of these events in life and the causes for them, but much more importantly the reason behind them. Only by our own personal involvement in this science, discovering all of nature and God's will, will be able to advance in helping both our understanding and our very responsibility to humanity in reaching the goal for which we were created.

    Here is a very interesting video that explains what you have posted  here and gives us not only an awareness of our current situation, but allows one to explore their own need for participation in it. I hope you find it as incredible as I did. It seems to be exactly the information needed to back up what you yourself have already discovered. Best wishes.


  16. YES YES YES.  People are coming to the light.

    Now to add to it.

    This kind of thinking revolutionized my thinking of God.  I figured that we don't truly understand god, but by using science we can understand God at least a little bit better.

    I came to have an idea.  If you've ever heard of the Multiverse, well that is God.  And the universe is God's firstborn child.

  17. Our braincells are not powerful enough for understanding God's behavior.

  18. You are EXACTLY right. If religion is good it will support science and vise versa. Interestingly, Jesus spoke of the Unified field in his preaching, (a modern scientific field) but since Christians took a detour on to Paul's teachings of Blood for sin, the connection was lost. More on the topic of the Real gospel is on my bio.

    But you are very right. If Science and Religion are correct, they can shake hands.

  19. To me, science is the world's wisdom. And as they have shown, they can be wrong about anything, and yet the world will accept what they say.

    God isn't wrong about anything, and yet the world rejects Him. And God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, and though He created the world, the world did not know Him, they did not recognize Him.

    God has promised to make the wisdom of the world foolish. He promised to frustrate the wisdom of the world.

    For it is written:

       "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;

          the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."

    Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.

    (1 Corinthians 1:19-21)

  20. This may be an oversimplication, but I do not like to type a long paragraph.

    Here is one concept that would distroy your idea: Occam's Razor

  21. If science was "the language of god" or if god used nature to accomplish his means, then there would be evidence of that or the evidence would lead us to that conclusion.  There is no evidence that a god or gods exist or that there is anything other than natural forces at work.  Indeed, the Bible is lacking any supporting evidence for the miracles and many events that it claims as happening.

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