
Science expieriments for kids?

by Guest55725  |  earlier

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I need some easy to do expieriments that I can do with my younger elementary student sisters. They are younger then me so somethig safe. It would also be prefered if the materials needed would be in a stocked house. Thank you




  1. If you want some good ideas, look here:

    They have all sorts of project ideas, from the relatively simple to higher level scientists.  

    I personally like the M&M survival challenge, myself (look under zoology).  Good for kids, and tasty, too.

  2. The volcano experiment is always fun for little kids. I can recall all of the ingredients but I know you use a soda bottle and some mentos. You can probably find it on line.

  3. The easiest science experiments to do at home usually involve simple Physics. Any grade school level science book will have several examples you could use to create some simple experiments.  You can use paper clips and thread to experiment with block and tackle problems.  Thermometers and some tin cans for absorption and reflection of radiant heat experiments (paint one can flat black).  Weather can be as simple as observation and notes, add a barometer, and teach the relation ship of barometric pressure and weather fronts.  Astronomy only needs a few simple books and or a star chart. Learn the constellations, and how they move. Plot the change of positions of the planets compared to the stars.  Use a flash light and a ball to create the phases of the moon. Use the same set up to create an eclipse on another ball (lunar and solar eclipses).  Time speed distance problems are all physics related. Start with a simple understanding of Newtons laws of Physics. There are numerous experiments you can do to illustrate each of these laws.

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