
Science help -earthquakes?

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If you could answer any of these questions that'd be great

compare and contrast four earthquakes and their effects: a shallow, magnitued-8 quake at the mid-atlantic rideg; a deep, magnitude-8 quake under japan; a shallow, magnitude-6 quake in california; and a shallow, magnitude-6 quake in Turkey. Which of the quakes poses the greates danger to populated areas? why? which is most likeyl to generat a tsunami? Explain. Which is probably the most harmless? why?




  1. Magnitude of earthquake in 6 will not create Tsunami. But other two incidents are possible more in lessor depth of focus rather than deep. Don't consider the depth of ocean.Consider the depth of focus point only. The Tsunami wave Will come from any depth and any distance.But the types of movement of tectonic plates and the place where the force is released decides the creation of Tsunami.

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