
Science help?????????????????????

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I started school today, and i have homework. We need to bring something in that reminds us of science. When I think of science, i think of the thing that you put like d.n.a. or whatever on a liitle thing then you look in it and you see very close i think you see what its made of too. I think that its like_____scope. Whats it called?




  1. telescope

  2. microscope

  3. Telescope?  

  4. umm i have no idea what your talking about?

    all i can think of with scope is periscope, but thats like a medical or science tool of some sort.

  5. microscope??? lol

  6. lol what?

  7. microscope? Lady you need to pay attention in class :)

  8. A microscope?

  9. I think u mean a microscope. :)

  10. umm.. a microscope???

  11. Its called a mircroscope

  12. mircoscope?

    why not grab a plastic sandwich bag and bring that in as a repressentation of materials science?

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