
Science or religion:waht do you think about evolution?

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religion means alot to me but some times science is against religion i care a lot about religions but i'm really hopefull the science exist to improve our live without we still be cavemans.




  1. Science has never given final answer for evolution. Scientists are still looking for missing links to complete big picture of evolution. They still have a lot of homework to finish. I think they are still far from the end. Even truth in science itself basically oftentimes are "open truth", i.e. not the final truth. Theories in science are true (at least, they are assumed, or likely, to be true) until there is an evidence that they are wrong or incomplete. What I am trying to say is, what you hear in your science class in school probably will be found wrong in the future.

    In the other hand, religion (in this case I am referring to the Bible) has given ultimate answer. Science tells you "how", but it is only your Creator who will tell you "why" and "what for".

  2. I suspect you are refering to the allegoric referances to creation in the Bible?  Because I can find no credible evidence suggesting creation is true & all scientific evidence, from all branches of science, appears to support evolution, I have to suspect evolution is true.  I know the theory of gravity to be only a theory too, but until we start to float off the Earth, I have to suspect that too is true.

    I am fully aware that had we been meant to travel at 70 MPH, God would have given us wheels... but maybe he just let our brain evolve, so we could figure these things out ourselves.

  3. Science and religion shouldn't be mutually exclusive.  The problem is that the theory of evolution is all but proven with fossil and DNA evidence.  Religion must be able to adapt with new knowledge.  It is seldom able to do so since it suggests solutions to questions where and when knowledge was insufficient.

  4. i'm religious too. i don't believe religion and science have to be mutually exclusive. science is god's tool. if science goes against religion, it is being misused. i like science. i like technology. it is truly beneficial.

  5. Science is based on theories that have been tested and proven or dis proven. Religion is based on faith alone. How do we know what happen when we die. Till we get legit proof that we are communicating with the other side we cant prove that anything will happen after we die. And thats what religion is based on DEATH.

  6. Science, including the study of evolution, are based on naturalism, which involves those things that we can see, taste, touch, smell, or hear (the five senses) as it exists in the natural world.  

    On the other hand, religion deals with supernaturalism that often relies upon intuition or 'gut feelings' to draw our conclusions.  Essentially, supernaturalism pertains to forces or powers that are regarded as beyond nature and rely upon intuition, revelation, or a priori reasoning; however, supernatural forces or powers cannot be explained using laws of the natural world and thus lack any procedure for determining the legitimacy of intuitive claims or revelations. Because the supernatural exists beyond nature, it falls outside of naturalistic explanations and thus the principles of scientific inquiry. This occurs because perceptions of the supernatural will vary from person to person, society to society, and culture to culture. As a result, scientists have no other choice but to disregard supernatural claims since there exists no uniformity as it relates to observation or measurements.

    While one can be religious and still accept evolution as a natural process, the mixing of the two for education purposes jeopardizes our understanding of the definition of "science" since we cannot measure or observe those things that are considered supernatural in origin (i.e., the existence of a supreme being).

  7. lol

  8. Evolution is BS regardless of which side you look at it from.

  9. Evolution is a scientific reality, factual and proven. Science is not against religion, many scientists attend church.  But preachers and sects that interpret the old testament too literally , especially the creation myths,  do sometimes oppose scientific education and learning on account of their prejudices.

  10. I respect your religious views but I would completely agree with the evolution theory as more and more evidence is present for it i.e mutations compared to somebody just saying humans where created from nothing without any proof.

  11. evolution is legit. survival of the fittest, mutation, adaptation, etc. doesn't it just seem like a good theory? I mean come on, we'd be dragging knuckles and chewing raw meat with huge jawbones if God put us on earth the way He originally intended.

  12. I think the games are starting to fry your brain. Both only exist in our minds. Believe what you want, will it change anything but you.

  13. It is sad when people's religious views are destroyed when they learned that notions like humans being made in their current form are as wrong as anything can be.  In stead of seeing the wonder in nature, they adopt the arrogant view that people 2000 years ago had a better understanding.  Churches that teach that people must believe obviously ridiculous notions to get into heaven need to be shunned by rational people.  They might as well say the Earth is flat as to say evolution didn't happen or we aren't animals.  It just makes them look like complete idiots and as a religious person I don't like that one bit.

  14. In this case religion looses

  15. It has to be science.  I always maintain that religion is a branch of philosophy.  Religion is an escape for the mind.  It's a study to guide our behaviours towards each other.  The science of evolution existed long before the bible was written by human.  Long before the story of the Three Wise Men bearing gifts from the East.

  16. I do understand religion but I do not follow it what I don't see is why it can't be considered that perhaps God was the one who instiled evolution. How do we know God did not create the earth in prehistoric times and then give what would become the human race, what they needed to evolve into fully developed humans.

    I don't see why it can't be that way I know Catholics and religious people are not supposed to believe that humans decended from apes but why not? who says God didn't evolve us?

  17. Creation science does show that the Bible and science are compatible although there is still some rejection of it and that God's Word is false. The Biblical account of creation in six days around 6000 years ago and the global flood have been scientifically shown to be possible, if not actual.

    The belief that the earth is billions of years old and that dinosaurs lived 70 million years ago or that animals evolved from other distinctly different animals has been shown to be inaccurate and based on false assumptions.

    Evidence for earth's instant creation.....

  18. I believe that evolution is probably true.

    But I find it stupid when people who support the theory use the word "proved."  No theory is ever "100% proved."  A theory can only be supported and evolution does have quite a bit of scientific support but it has not been PROVED.  So stop saying that it has been.

    If you are so against evolution then disprove it.  It is possible to disprove a theory.  Get to work.

  19. You can be religious and believe in evolution. As long as you believe that God (or whatever your "higher power" is) is behind it all.

    My opinions however, are all scientifically (and morally) baised.

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