
Science please help!!! electricity?

by  |  earlier

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need some help with these 3 questions, please...

What's the best form of electricity production?

What are the variables?

Are there ways to improve existing production?




  1. The best form of electricity production is using an efficient generator. Fission will probably be the best way when it is perfected.

    Variables, would be the amount of energy you get from the mass in the chemical reaction. Do you have the ability to harvest and transfer it efficiently.

    Improve existing production for the environment would be created chemical reactions with no Co2 emissions probably something that emits water oxygen or nitrogen. There is always fission that would solve a lot of problems. In terms of efficiency probably getting a efficient generator. Better wires that don't lose energy over a distance. A method of burning a fossil fuel that converts most of the mass into energy.

  2. The best way has not been invented yet - that would (probably) involve the direct conversion of heat into electricity.

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