
Science type people: has anyone ever thought about how to harvest all the hydrogen laying around?

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supposedly there is enough frozen hydrogen laying around at the bottom of the northern oceans to supply the entire world with endless energy for eternity. Is there a feasible way this energy source can be harvested?

They can figure out a cost effective way to drill for oil in the oceans of the world, they should be able to figure a cost effective way to harvest the hydrogen.




  1. I don't know about harvesting hydrogen, but it is readily available.

    it is now feasible, and is being used in the LA area, Honda is starting to produce Hydrogen powered car, but they are only leasing them in the LA area, where there are sufficient fueling stations already set up.

    many of the other car manufacturers also have them in the experimental stages, and should be mass produced within the next 10 years.

    follow this link and you will fine more information than you would ever expect to find.

    the 2 biggest hold backs are the cost of the cars, and enough fueling stations to supply the need.

  2. Run an electrical current through water and it frees the hydrogen.  We don't have to look for the frozen hydrogen.

  3. What IS hydrogen? Gas! To harvest it all you have to do is pull the ocean's finger. LOL

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