
Science type people... what is the purpose of all that hydrogen sitting at the bottom of the oceans?

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hi Biggie: I've recently read this in an online article:

Frozen ice crystals found off the shores of Canada, Japan, Russia, Iceland and other nations with Northern shores contain vast quantities of clean, frozen hydrogen.

Frozen? at the bottom of the ocean. What's it for? It has to have a purpose




  1. It exists, that's all.  Hydrogen is what makes up pretty much most of the universe.  There's bound to be a bunch of it sitting around somewhere.  As for its purpose, without hydrogen this particular universe would not be possible.  It depends on the fact that protons do not decay for a long time.  How long?  Well, let's say the age of the universe is 13.7 billion years.  Try to imagine how many seconds of time that is.  Now, if each second of that time were to represent 13.7 billion years, then that's at least how long a proton will not turn into a neutron.  I say "at least" because that's only how far it's been tested.  How?  By putting that many protons into a gigantic vat of water and waiting a year to see if any proton popped.  Neutrons, on the other hand, last for about ten seconds before they turn into a proton, unless they're already glued to some protons inside the nucleus of an atom.  So what's the big deal about a proton turning into a neutron (i.e., losing its positive charge)?  Because hydrogen is one proton and one electron.  If that proton were a neutron the electron would not be attracted to the atomic nucleus anymore and would escape.  With no electron pressure, you would fall through the floor, stars would be unable to form, and that would pretty much leave us up the cosmic creek without a paddle.

  2. its for the emergence of a new earth spelled heart if you re- erange the h

  3. Purpose? Anyway, hydrogen doesn't just sit there, it is dissolved in the water. Perhaps you are thinking of hydrogen sulfide, a common compound that, because it is heavier than water, can be found in greater quantity in the ocean depths.

  4. It's Gas man. Wanna see something cool? Pull the ocean's finger... LOL

    Brightest Blessings,

    Raji the Green Witch

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