
Scientests are finding life on other planets or galaxies.....this is practically waste of money...the.........

by  |  earlier

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scientests can rather do reasearch on undiscovered u knw that 95% of our oceans lie undiscovered and they hold the key to medicine for diseases and stuff and these stupid ppl r wasting all the research money on space... ...<the oceans arn't discovered till the base>......and many cure to diseases may b ovr thr....and we can't take care of our own messed up planet so y waste time researching on other planets unless n until v r affected by it???....v r already destroying our world...y find others to destroy




  1. How do you know that all of this is true and this isnt a question, thank you for wasting everyone&#039;s time jerk

  2. i dont think any life has been found on other planets yet

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  4. It&#039;s because they&#039;re the gouvernement. It&#039;s their job to waste everyone&#039;s money, not use it wisely. Plus, in their minds, disease it population control.

  5. i feel desame as you are, what is so special wasting all this money on space and the money could be used for better things, they say we have global warming and i think all thos space flighs an other things they do dont help, just look when a shutle goes of and all the smoke it leaves behind after take off, i agree with you, thank you and have a nice day.

  6. I know what you mean. I don&#039;t understand it either. Gov&#039;t wasting billions of dollars on space programs when so many American people are suffering.

    Speding billions on all kinds of c**p instead of taking care of our own people.

  7. There research bodes well for the sake of human curiosity... they are scientists after all...

    But then again... I understand your concerns...

    Why can&#039;t they just keep their feet on the ground?

    We&#039;re all standing our grounds... but they&#039;re just looking in space....

    People everywhere are suffering in poverty, there are homeless children, broken families, environmental crises and so many other problems...

    Why can&#039;t they contribute to the welfare of humanity first, before they look upon the skies?

  8. So what&#039;s your question, or are you just using this as a forum?

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