
Scientific Joes, do you beleive in any form of God?

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by any form, I mean ANY FORM, even the most unexpected ones. For instance, the Aliens that made the super computer that simulates the virtual world in which we live.




  1. For many years I was an atheist, believing that Religion was an invention of man, and as the arugment goes "that we created God in our image. "

    However, now I believe in the God of the Bible, in Jesus Christ as a Savior & in the Holy Spirit.

    I also firmly believe that everyone is entiled to believe in what they want to believe (free will), but I don't think all beliefs are equal or true for that matter - I also think that there are consequences of what we believe in and we must be willing to accept them.

  2. All my life, i grew up thinking there is God for no other reason than the fact that my parents told me there is and no one else said there isn't . Then we come to UK and everyone is like there's no God because...(insert various reasons here)

    And then people say there is because...(insert reasons here)

    When i weigh up the reasons, i realise that the reasons supporting the existence of God is usually based on low self esteem.

    People pray for jobs, then they go out with their CVs and don't get one for so many years when they finally get one, they say it's God. Why? If God gave you a job, he would have done it while you were seating on your backside watching tv not while you were slaving around job agencies.

    I go to church, say i'm a "Christian" and can quote at least half of the bible but that is because i'm 15 and i'm forced to.

  3. the word god originally meant an object of worship, and thus acquired the meaning it has in mythology and religion as either one of several deities each with special attributes and responsibilities, or as the unique god who is creator and master of the universe.

    the belief in god has to come from your faith and   religion, therefore i cannot comment scientifically.

  4. I have not seen any physical evidence for the existence of any gods.  For such a fantastic claim that there are gods, I will need to see a large amount of really good physical evidence.  

    Without physical evidence the discussion is merely one on matters of faith.  There is no way to get the right answer if the issue concerns matters of faith.   Resolution of disagreements is nearly impossible on matters of faith.

  5. No.  In fact, if you use the scientific method to look at the world, believing in god becomes exceedingly difficult.

    If you look at the existence of god as a theory, you would state it something like "My theory is that there is an invisible man who created and maintains the universe and answers our prayers through magic."

    So then we'd want observations or experimentation to prove that.

    So we try prayer, but no go.  Prayer has never been shown to produce results statistically greater than random chance.  

    So we try to observe god, but find that he can't be seen or heard or observed in any objective way such as recording on any sort of known device.

    We also notice a general absence of magic in the known universe,  and a long history of other religions falling out of favor and dying out.

    So in the absence of observation and of compelling experimental results, we conclude that there is likely no invisible man maintaining the universe and answering prayers via magic.  

    Another important point to understand is that a failure to prove one theory does not automatically prove the correctness of a competing theory.  For instance, the fact that science does not have a well supported theory of abiogenesis (the origin of life) does not mean that the Biblical story of Genesis is correct.  No more than it means the Sumerian myth of creation is correct.

    The "unlikely" argument is another one of my current favorites.  The argument that the laws of physics must be as they are in order for life to exist (how do they know?) and the unlikeliness of these laws to be as they are.  Often arbitrary numbers are given to this in the form of "the odds are a billion to one that this would occur."  Really?  How many universes have we observed?  Most of us have only seen one, and it has the existing set of laws.  Apparently those laws being as they are is an exceedingly likely occurrence.

    one last note to the "no evolution" joker above.  Evolution is one of the best supported theories of science.  No compelling evidence?  What about the ENTIRE FOSSIL RECORD, the ENTIRE FIELD OF GENETICS and the fact that evolution is OBSERVED ALL THE TIME IN NATURE (for example, the evolution of antibiotic resistant bacteria?)  The fact is that evolution is so solid that there is literally no other theory to explain the diversity of life on Earth that is being seriously considered by science.  "The magic man did it and provided false evidence to test our faith" is not a valid scientific theory.

    In general, if you find yourself thinking "God did it."  Try to substitute the word "god" for a different entity.  "Aliens did it."  or "Allah did it."  or "Zeus made it so."  If it sounds ridiculous in that form, or if you can't think of any reason that god is a more reasonable candidate than Zeus, Allah or Superman, then you have just stumbled upon the logic and beauty of atheism.  


    EDIT:  Can I just ad that I LOVE all the people who are inventing their own religions?  They are like "Well, God isn't like this, he's light.  Or, they are weird Cthulian creations all around us that we can't see."  LOL and WTF?  WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?  If you're going to believe bullsh*! then why do you care about the details of the bullsh#!?

    It's like the guy says below.  If you're going to make such outrageous statements, you'd better have a c**p load of evidence to back them up!

  6. I KNOW that there are countless things in the universe that I do NOT know.

    My beliefs, I take much less seriously. I did once believe in Santa. Now I know that Santa is an idea that is expressed by many "Santa's" the world over.

    I know our universe is governed by physics.  Ideas are as real as any observable matter (governed by physics) and, because ideas exist in our universe they must also be governed by physics in ways we do not yet understand. What an odd universe it would be if they weren't!

    The observable universe has shown remarkable symmetry and that implies that if the idea (and ideas ARE very real)of "God" exists at all there must be something  to balance it.

    "Something" that many might call "God".

    My mom had a Near Death Experience once and when she "came back" said that she had seen "God". Humoring her I asked her what God was like. Her answer was "Well...God is NOT as dumb as we think." That's all she would say and later claimed not to have said it. She forgot.

    My current "belief" is that God is conscious Light/Energy. Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent. I don't believe that God has a beard or a p***s but who knows!

    God IS the universe. We are part of the universe and we are conscious. Light/Energy is omnipresent, everywhere in the universe. Light/Energy is omnipotent, all powerful in the universe. And if Light/Energy is conscious (we are just Light/Energy stored) then Light/Energy is conscious of all or omniscient.

    So yeah, sure....I beleive in God;)

    PS The nicest thing about this, to me, is how simple it is to get what we want/need through "prayer" if God is the universe. All we need do to effect a positive answer from prayer is to learn how to interact with the universe. Including each other;)

  7. I have a small theory based on this...

    God exists... let me prove it

    are we all familiar with  ET right... now, i love light, who doest, we all can see with light.. but can we see everything? we can see everything in the visible region... but below that and beyond that its imposible.. we need some sort of device..

    now, what i think is that there are these supernatural being, which are walking around us everday... these thing, some people call sprits, they are the ones that make us feel that god exsits.. my theory is that these superior beings created us and all it wants us to be is his slaves... GOD is just the abbriavation for Generator, Operator, Destroyer....

    if we were able to see the frequency of light emitted by them then, imagine...

    well i hope you all liked my theory.. and all this is original, i didnt copy it from anyone.. plz let me know what you guys think... an i nuts or is this possible.. i also have a possible theory of the dead...

  8. Nope. God is just used to explain away mankinds primitive fears. Science does that now, but gives reason and proof.

  9. I don't believe that there's a god in the biblical sense. I believe that something does happen to us upon death, but it has more to do with quantum mechanics and quantum holography than with some god of judgment, heavens and h***s.

    I believe that we humans are a physical manifestation of a universal consciousness at the most fundamental level, the singularity; that when we suffer biological dead, our conscious mind gets integrated back into the quantum conscious universe.

    After all, matter and energy (including life) has its most basic origins in the minuscule entangled undulations of the Big-Bang.

  10. I don't know how we came about before the big bang, so I can't rule out being "created". however, of all the explanations, occam's razor tells me not to pick a creator which has any form of intelligence, since this is clearly not the simplest solution.

  11. No. It is no longer necessary for humankind to look to a "higher power" for its answers; science answers all of these questions that used to be attributed to God. Plagues and lightning are no longer his wrath but rather disease-causing bacteria and viruses while lightning is simply an atmospheric discharge of electricity. He was invented for those questions which seemed beyond us, and they no longer exist: physics has been taking over metaphysics for quite some time now.

  12. What does your question have to do with the topic-- ASTRONOMY?

    You need to ask it in another section of Answers.

  13. I do.  I have not ever seen a single actual evidence against the existence of God, and also have never seen any truly compelling evidence for evolution.  I have however seen many evidences that show it to be a false hypothesis - Please note that a theory must have been tested and proved true to an extent, and evolution has not.

  14. The most reputable scientists have no beliefs. Science is not about belief, it is about proof, and there is no proof that any gods exist.

  15. No,I do not believe in any form of god.However,I believe that each individual has the right to believe what they want and I will not chastize them for that.

  16. Nope. God was invented by man many thousands of years ago when science couldn't explain natural phenomena. Now science CAN and DOES do a very good job of explaining that phenomena. Why keep pointless myths and stories about creation around? Especially when all they do is flood our minds with terrible, hate-filled thoughts toward those that are different or those with different religious beliefs.

  17. The important question for you to ask is, "Do I believe in any form of God?" Then go from there.

    (John 1:3)

  18. Various scientists have different religious beliefs while others have no religious belief.  It varies from individual to individual.

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