
Scientific Notation and Powers of 10 (Are these right ? ) ?

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Multiply the following terms using the powers of 10:

6. 34 x 106 = 34000000

7. 592 x 103 = 592000

Convert the following terms from scientific notation to standard form:

8. 8.98 x 105 = 898000

9. 4.192 x 103 = 4192000

10. 9.9825 x 107 = 9982.5000

ARE THESE RIGHT ? i have worked on these all day




  1. are these 10 to the 6th power?  If so...

    6. 34000000

    7. 592000

    8. 898000

    9. 4192

    10. 99825000

    what ever the power is on the ten you don't add that many zeros you move the decimal place over that many times. i.e.  12.5 x 103 12500 because you move the decimal place to the right 3 times

  2. 9 & 10 are not

    9) 4.192 x 10^3 is the same as 4.192 x 1000 = 4192

    10) 9.9825 x 10^7 is the same as 9.9825 x 10000000 = 99825000

    For things that are a power of 10, simply thing of it as moving the decimal point to the right that many times. So for 10

    9.9825 x 10^7, move the decimal point to the right 7 digits, and fill in any blanks with zeros.

    For example

    9.9825 x 10^1 = Move decimal one space to right = 99.825

    9.9825 x 10^2 = Move decimal two spaces to right = 998.25

    9.9825 x 10^3 = Move decimal three spaces to right = 9982.5

    9.9825 x 10^4 = Move decimal four spaces to right = 99825

    9.9825 x 10^5 = Move decimal five space to right = 998250

    (Note we add a zero, since moving it the 5th space there is no number, so we add in that zero)


    9.9825 x 10^7 = 99825000

  3. 6, 7, and 8 are correct.

    (9) 4.192 x 103 = 4192

    (10) 9.9825 x 107 = 99825000

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