
Scientific analysis vs. written sources?

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I'm doing this assingment on what's more reliable the scientific analysis of Mt Vesuvius or the letters of Pliny and all those other letters which were kept?

Also does anyone know a website which may argue one of these points?





  1. The USGS is always a good site for volcano information.  You can find lots of info on Vesuvius and on Pliny by doing searches for them.

    In law, the court places a lot of emphasis on witnesses, but they also want objective evidence.  I think it's the same with Vulcanologists.  It's great to have the eyewitness testimony of Pliny, but much less was known about volcanoes then and he wasn't a Vulcanologist, so scientific analysis is needed and provides more information.

  2. The analysis.

    Pliny would have been the first to say go see.

    In fact that is how he died.

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