how sun was created, answer: gases evolved and then... but from where gases came no answer.How moon was formed... again beginning is assumption...big bang theory:planet started moving on its own miraculously and life came on earth?first came unicellular organisms and then scientific explanation begins. but how did unicellular exist...again no answer or some assumption.what wrong are theists doing when they also assume jesus,prophet, lord rama came. why need scientific proof of god's existence when science itself is not complete and showing miracles.yes atheists, wrong things are also happening in society,but its not happening to everybody.then theism beginners have to assume that someone god or nature has to be there to be called biased, as far as theists are concerned they know every god that came to earth in human form had troubled life.for example jesus was crucified.scientific atheists any answer???no rubbish or funny answer, it means waste of time and money and no best answers rating either.