
Scientific basis for lifespan of Adam and Noah?

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Adam and Noah were said to live over 900 years. Is there a scientific basis for this, or is this just myth? One online site says there were changes in the earth after the flood which shortened lifespan. But this seems to be a religious site with no scientific support.




  1. there was no rain mentioned in the bible before the flood. That does not mean it never rained but that there was no mention of it. People believe that the atmosphere had a  lot of water in it and that because of all of the water it also made the air more dense and as a result there was more oxygen and things grew and lived better. I guess the sky may also have been pink because of all the water in the atmosphere before the flood....

  2. This was mentioned in the bible & unfortunately we may never be able to prove if this happened or not unless you believe in what the bible says.

  3. Don't you know that science is a tool of the devil meant to undermine faith.  

    But seriously, as far as I know, science says that lifespans have gotten longer not shorter.  Living in the elements is harsh.  Compare the lifespans of domestic animals against their lifespans in captivity.  

    Some believe that the names of those who lived such impressive lifespans are actually supposed to represent more than one person.

  4. People did live longer thousands of years ago. They didn't have all the diseases that affect humanity today like the flu, stds, pharmaceuticals, etc etc

  5. It is impossible for humans to live that long.

    Normal human cells have a limited capacity to proliferate. After a certain finite number of cell divisions(about 50), time on the biological clock runs out; the cells "age" and stop dividing. Time remaining in a cell's life correlates with the length of the telomeres -- repeated sequences of DNA on the ends of chromosomes that protect the tips from degradation. In normal cells, telomeres shorten with each cell division. Although some have thought that this telomere shortening might be the biological clock¢s control mechanism, the hypothesis was controversial. The research now proves that human cells grow older each time they divide because their telomeres shorten.

    The scientists introduced telomerase into normal human cells to see if the cells' life spans could be prolonged. The cells with telomerase extended the length of their telomeres, divided for 20 additional generations past the time they normally would stop dividing and are continuing to divide. The cells also grew and divided in a normal manner, giving rise to normal cells with the normal number of chromosomes. By all accounts these cells had found their fountain of youth.

    Even under this discovery that extends the lifespan of Human cells; the maximum age would be around 200.

    I believe that the story of Adam and Eve and also the story of Noah are myths.

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