
Scientific calculator question?

by  |  earlier

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how would you enter this problem in a scientific calculator?

2x + 3 = 8?

it keeps giving me the answer six, how can i put the = sign in without it solving the problem first?

i know the answer is not 6




  1. well on my calc you press the buttons in this order: 2 (alpha) X + (sign) (there should be a button near the top under shift that shows the = sign) (alpha) = sign then click shift and solve then click = 2x. btw the answer is 2.5.

  2. I don't really know how to do that on a calculator but it's really easy to solve by hand. You would subtract the 3 to the 8 and that equals 5. So now your problem looks like this: 2x=5

    Now solve for x and in order to solve x you would have to divide everything by 2x because you just want x alone. When you divide everything by 2x, x=5/2 and that's the answer.

  3. i dont think you can do it like that in the calculator straight out

    heres how you WOULD do it tho

    click [ y= ]

    type in [2x+3]

    click [table]

    and where it sez that y=8, its gonna say what x= rite next to it

    hope htat helped!

  4. If you know the answer, why do you need a calculator?

  5. i dont knoe exactly what you mean. are you trying to graph the equation? if u are u put 2x +3 and then press the shift button and the dot which should say space on top of it with a = sign and then 8.

    hope this helps :)

  6. put in 8 - 3 = / 2

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