
Scientific explanation for a 'ghost' i saw?

by  |  earlier

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When I was about 16, there were these two circles that appeared on the wall of the shower. We called them 'eyes' for lack of understanding, but these eyes would glow and disappear and reappear minutes later right in front of you. They were light green which made me think that they were 'glow in the dark' paint or something, but they could reappear or they would be there without the light ever being on for the past few hours.

Another strange thing is that they would be very faint, you couldn't see them looking straight at them but if you looked to the side you can then identify them being there. I believe this is more so how the eyes work (it's easier to see something very faintly lit by using your peripheral vision, such as a faint star).

Anyways can anyone think of any explanation to this? I am certain it wasn't a practical joke. After about a year of these eyes disappearing and reappearing they finally went away permanently.




  1. Have ever wonder if it is a problem that you have with your eye sight that may be causing you to see strange optical effects.

    Most people that see ghosts, don't see what your talking about.

    Go the doctors.

  2. yeh you can do that by looking at or next to a bright light, makes green spots appear, maybe there are two lights in you bathroom and when you take a shower you look up to wash your face and the lights realy bright and it make these spots in your vision which are too faint to see unless you turn you head and they're on a white wall.

  3. What was adjacent to that wall on the other side?  Shower walls are usually thin and translucent, but you can't see this when lighted from your side.  When the shower wall is backlit, it appears to glow.  We were surprised by this when inspecting a shower with a flashlight and it looked like the walls were paper thin when shining from behind!  Maybe there was a crack or hole in the wall that let in light from the other side.  I'd inspect the opposite wall for a hole that might have gotten covered, patched, or just opened and closed with natural expansion.  I'd also look up in the roof for some way for sunlight to get channeled down.   Then, I'd also look for some electrical appliance that might have a light, like an on-demand heater, a GFCI outlet, or whatever.  Any of these lights--sunlight, or electrical lights could explain the glowing spots going on and off.

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