
Scientific or spirtualistic?

by Guest58339  |  earlier

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which one guys!




  1. You cant compare the two.  One is faith based the other fact.  There is NO reason to make a choise.  Your question is simplistic and vague.

  2. Hey..a good voting kinda question...!!

    I too am Scientific.....don't believe in superstitions or myths,...etc.

    Thanx.......Good Luck...!

  3. Science is based on theories which are subject to change. Today the facts are different from what they were.

    Spiritualism is far more superior than Science. Science cannot explain everything. Spiritualism has answers to all if you follow it with full purity.

    No doubt science has contributed a lot but in the end all this will be left behind when you die. Your good deeds will remain forever just like Jesus Christ or Guru Nanak.

    Spiritualism satisfys you Science cannot.

    Spiritualism is more superior and ancient than science.

    But that doesn't mean you shouldn't be scientific. Be scientific to the point it is needed to be.

  4. You are asking in the Science&Mathematics section.  What do you think the answer would be?

  5. Why can't you have both?

    Science and Spirituality are two aspects of perception with very different means of thought.  Science uses natural laws to understand the world around us.  Spirituality uses faith and belief to identify purpose and morality.  Science understands, Spirituality believes.  If they conflict, your doing one of them wrong.

  6. scientific, thats based on actual evidence, where spiritualistic is based on what "feels good" to you(the universe isn't required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition)

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