
Scientific question: Why some monkeys a-ss are red?

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Scientific question: Why some monkeys a-ss are red?




  1. Don't ignore them!

    Poor things.

    Red bum monkies are using this as single for mating.

    Females usually have much more protrusion at this time, which will be investigated by as many males as can get within reach - although it is usual that serveral females will be guarded closely by a dominant male.

    They also excrete a pungent smell during this time, which attracts males.

    Red is likely the colour which stands out best against the green habitat.

  2. They're the Big Flirt Mondeys. They're hooked on attention, just ignore them.

  3. For the same reason you use makeup, to attract the opposite s*x. This "need to breed" has resulted in extreme over-development of secondary sexual characteristics. For example, the antlers of the Irish elk got so huge, they couldn't retain enough calcium in the body to survive and the species went extinct.

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