
Scientific show and tell for a kindergartener.?

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What is something that my child could take to a scientific show and tell that is appropriate for a 5 year old. Any serious suggestions will be very helpful.




  1. maybe like a cool rock they found.. Or a pet...telling its a mammal... OOh!! a VOLCANO!! They are very easy... Vinager and baking soda...CAABOOOMMM


  3. talk to the kid.  if this is a project for a kindergartner, your online friends are useless.  it is the child's presentation -let the child decide what to bring.

  4. Magnets and how they attract and repel each other!

  5. Magnets, how they "repell and attract each other." and have positive and negative changers. Go to Lakeshore or Learning is fun and buy Horseshoe magnets, they repell and attract better. Than bring lots of change and show how the magnets attrac the coins through something called Magnetism

  6. explain what makes the water molecule unique. It is the only one that expands when it gets colder, all other molecules are reduced in volume because their molecular bonds are shorter the colder they get. Water is different, its why ice floats. This can be demonstrated in lots of different ways but when my kids were little it was kids holding hands right next to each other and then spreading out as they "the ice" freezes. Play with it, its kind of fun.

  7. A prism.  Small and portable, neat to watch, and easy to explain in kid terms: "The light goes in and a rainbow comes out."  

    A little more prep would be a bucket, some water, and objects that sink and float.  This is very appropriate for kindergartners.


    this is the simplest yet coolest little tinker toy thing Ive seen...

    It is a simple motor, made from a tripleAAA battery, and a small magnet, like a size of a dime... and a bent piece of wire... Just watch that video and youll see what I mean, he/she will have a fun time making it, and will for sure get a few other kids interested....

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