
Scientifically, does a tree need another tree to live/survive?

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We know trees play an important role in producing oxygen and reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Does a tree need another tree to survive? I mean, if there was only a tree on a land? can it survive alone or does it need oxygen from other trees? I also want to ask a silly question here that I found on a forum: "If a tree falls in the woods... Do all the other trees laugh at it?".




  1. Well, trees have been around for quite some hundreds of millions of years, and their populations had to have started from a few select individuals. In theory a tree would need another to survive, but eventually they could not effectively recycle each others air and would wither away. When trees first came into "existence" there was already carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, present from the early life of the planet, and oxygen as well. The oxygen was produced by scianno (spelling) bacteria. And no, the other trees would not laugh for the fallen ones, they would just reap the benefits of their death.

  2. Trees can survive alone but cannot reproduce alone. Sometimes a tree can reproduce because it can get hermaphrodite flowers and self pollinate but its offspring will suffer from inbreeding depression.

  3. Trees dont need other tress as long as they have nutrient rich soil. water, sun, and like you said CO2. We need trees because we breathe oxygen.

  4. No it doesn't. Other trees in the area just take that trees water/nutrients from the soil and compete for it's light.

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