
Scientifically, is there hope for nice guys?

by  |  earlier

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I know girls are really attraced to the whole "lots of testosterone, bad boy" thing, but biologically or psycologically, is there hope for the nice guy? I'm 16 and a writer, so I have an issue =p.




  1. It's not that girls necessarily like bad boys, or that nice guys finish last. It's based upon one principle, the aggressive guy finishes first. A guy who knows what he wants and isn't afraid to go after it is generally going to be ahead of the guy who is afraid and doesn't get noticed right? Also the whole thing with bad boys is that how do they insure a relationship won't be forever? Find a jerk. It's the same reason why many guys like hot girls who act like b*****s. Mainly a self esteem issue so that is not really relevant as they mature it will go away.  But the concept of aggressive guy finishes first will remain.  

  2. NO!!! Nice guys are all doooomed to go down like a plane with no wings or rotor. Nice guys will crash and burn every single time... The key is to balance things out... Treat everyone accordingly, and deservingly. Trust me... I've been a nice guy for as long as I've been a live and I always get screwed over. You know you're a nice guy when you take the opposite road from everyone else... the more compassionate and understanding road that is. Don't loose years like I had to in order to understand that everyone must be treated accordingly.


    One of the main thing that attracts us towards an individual besides appearance happens to be COMPATIBILITY. It doesn't matter who a person is and how much you're attracted to them, or they are attracted to you, if you're not complementaries of one another, it will never work out.

    Don't worry man... all hope is never loss... continue doing what it is you do and that person will appear. Don't ever step out of your element and end up in a place that you're not comfortable with in order to acquire a lady friend. You've probably heard it a million times but, you've got time.. trust me.. you have time. Keep your head straight and know that - "that which you seek is also in search of you".

  3. It's true that many girls like the bad boys but usually girls are initially attracted to the bad boys but end up really connecting and being with the nice ones.  

  4. Okay, you are incredibly fortunate to be dealing with this issue at such a young age. Many men wait until their 30's, 40's or even 50's to get this issue handled!

    So anyhow, check out the resources below. You will benefit immensely from them. They are about Masculine Identity and Healthy Masculine Development--becoming a man and learning the things every male in society should be taught at a young age but isn't. They are the real deal. If you thoroughly digest this material and put it into practice in your own life, you will never have to deal with this issue again!

    Some of these programs are a little pricey, and that is their only drawback.

    Good luck!

  5. Not all girls prefer bad boys. Just that like with bad news, it's bad boys that get all the attention. Take a step back and widen your view a bit. See that quiet girl in the corner? Or the back of the class? She doesn't say much, she might stick to herself, or hang out with a few good friends (rather than be the life of the party). They're out there. They just don't get noticed much either. :)  

  6. I think so. You just have to find that right girl. Most girls who like the bad boy are hurt and they need protection so if you are confident in yourself and you really care for that person they'll feel secure around you and want you. but first establish yourself as a great friend. good luck with the girls and the writing

  7. yes. when you are old enough to not be interested in the the pre-25 year old s***s that embrace the paris hilton lifestyle. seriously, you dont want a high maintenance bad boy lovin girl. they are more trouble than they are worth. lots of insecurity. find a nice quiet girl.

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