
Scientifically speaking, is there such a thing as luck?

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Scientifically speaking, is there such a thing as luck?




  1. All luck is is receiving a positive outcome on the basis of an improbable event.  It is highly improbable that you will win a game of coin toss 8 times in a row against your friend.  Yet, if it happens, you are very lucky.  

    Scientifically speaking, luck happens.  In the above example, it will happen 1 of every 256 times.

  2. Yes, more or less -- better known as chance or serendipity. Not good or bad luck, though -- that's a subjective thing.

  3. Yes there is.

    In fact it's impossible to understand almost anything about subatomic particles without understanding probability and statistics.

    Give you an example:

    Radioactive decay.

    We know for a fact that some types of atoms decay.

    For example, carbon-14 atoms will spontaneously kick out a beta particle, and turn themselves into nitrogen-14 atoms.

    We also know that the rate of decay is constant.

    In 5730 years, half of the c-14 atoms you started with will have decayed.  Regardless of how many you started with.

    Now here's the unanswered question:

    If it were possible to mark a single c-14 atom, and observe it for 5730 years (ok, so they got a government grant that got renewed every year):

    That one atom, will it, or won't it, decay?

    (stop for a moment, and think about it)






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    The best answer science can give is:

    We don't know.  It has a 50/50 chance.

    But, if several million atoms each have a 50/50 chance, then from what we know of the laws of probability (higher math), half of them will, and half of them won't.

  4. No. People guesses or actions towards gamballing have nothing to deal with luck

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