
Scientifically speaking, what are the evolutionary benefits of abortion?

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Scientifically speaking, what are the evolutionary benefits of abortion?




  1. Abortion has no benefits.

  2. What kind of question is that? How can murdering children help anything but the selfish desires of irresponsible women?

  3. Gets rid off unwanted children who might grow up and compete with your children.

  4. Depends on who was weeded out I suppose.

  5. People who are too stupid to use birth control won't reproduce.

  6. Oh, I get it, you're trying to pigeon-hole people into saying there are none, so when they do, you'll write back "So, why do people have abortions?"

    You're one of the many that misunderstands the entire concept of evolution.

    I'm not even going to bother writing up something you will obviously ignore, so here's a Wikipedia link. Whether you choose to remain daft on the topic is your choice.

  7. The women dumb enough to have them won't be raising children, so there will be less people brought up thinking the same deranged way.

  8. Evolution, bleh.  

  9. there are plenty. women who get abortions are usually lower class and uneducated. weed out the offspring of the lower uneducated people and you get all sorts of benefits. ever since abortion was legalized, there has been lower crime rates. not to sound like i have no soul, but by aborting babies we're eliminating the weak and creating an opportunity for an overall smarter and healthier generation in the future

  10. There are none.  Those who seek abortions, almost ALWAYS regret it later and many regret it their entire lives.  I know.  My own mother had an abortion in the early 50's and never recovered emotionally from the guilt.  Taking a life, even one you can't see, is still murder.


  11. Who says that there are any?  

  12. There aren't any

  13. Are there any?

  14. Life in a matter of speaking. In the past the mothers and child would die with complications. But, now when the birth of the child could kill the mother the benefit is the chose to save the mother or the baby or both. Also, if you were wondering this study can be found at the earliest of stages in a pregnancy to avoid partial abortions (which I don't support).

    Hope this helps:)

  15. This may be quite an unpopular answer but the "benefits" that have been seen since the legalization of abortion have been far, far fewer children born with genetic defects such as Down's Syndrome and Tay Sach's Disease.  For the defects we have prenatal testing available, there are now far fewer people living with them because far fewer children are born with them.  People who are carriers, therefore, can either invest in IVF (to produce an embryo who is neither a carrier or one who will be afflicted with the disease/defect) or can choose not to reproduce.  Many couples who make the second decision still experience unintended pregnancies (everyone does from time to time) and can therefore choose an abortion.  

    With fewer carriers in the population, some genetic defects may no longer be a problem in the subsequent generations.  Whether this is an evolutionary benefit or not is debatable.  The same is true with Polio, due to inoculation, it was "cured" simply because the subsequent generations could no longer develop it.  Evolution, however, did not do that, human scientists and doctors did.  Thus, calling it an evolutionary benefit may not be technically correct.    

  16. There aren't any!

  17. Well it will surprise the bigots but not those with open minds that there are some evolutionary benefits!!

    There are some terrible hereditary diseases out there that kill babies terribly, they suffer for all of their short lives and die horribly!  It is a fact that these could be eradicated by an effective prevention abortion campaign!!

    There are some severe congenital abnormalities that can have the same effect.

    Just like dog owners who selfishly keep dogs alive and suffering when it would be far more human to end their suffering there is a case for abortion in a small number of cases for genetic reasons!!

  18. None, since it's artificial.

  19. Children who are unwanted don't get the chance grow up with environmental depression or psychological issues because the mothers or parents were forced to give birth to them instead of having the ultimate choice not to have them, and therefore this cycle is not repeated from the children onto the next generation.

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