
Scientifically speaking isn't it funny how Atheists believe in a magic self Creating Big bang?

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A Magical Big bang

and yet they say they believe in logic


as the Bible says

Atheists are fools - Psalms 14:1




  1. yes

  2. scientifically speaking, isn't it funny how religionists believe in an invisible guy-in-the-sky that created everything yet somehow was never created himself

    The fool says in his heart there is no god; the wise man shouts it out loud

  3. You might as well push your garbage on anther board. This is sci/math

  4. Good heavens, my dear - your ignorance is showing.

    There was nothing magical or supernatural about the big bang, which you would understand if you knew the first thing about science (although you do need a brain first).

  5. whats funny is how people who call themselves 'christians' can be so self absorbed and bigoted since ive seen the other questions you have posted on here. you need some biology classes as well as manners  

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