
Scientist say the poles are changing polarity?

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Does this mean that North will become south and South will become north?




  1. The magnetic poles move all the time, every day, just very slowly.

    There is a geologic record that shows complete polarity reversal has happened many times in our past but not at regular intervals. Time between reversals can be 10000 yrs or a million years.

    However - we know that the magnetic field does not collapse in the process - if it did, there would be major extinctions that correlate with the geologic record for pole reversals - there is no correlation.

    The latest hypothesis is that the Earth's magnetic field gets chaotic, with lots of north and south poles - so we still have a magnetic field, but compasses will be useless. And then it straightens itself back out, but with north and south reverse.

    This is actually similar to what the sun does - but the sun does it on a regular 11 year cycle.

    As for when it will happen - those people that observe the magnetic field think it will go through its chaotic thing and reverse some time soon based on how it is currently behaving, but that is a hypothesis waiting for the event to occur to be tested, and the exact date certainly is not known.

    But to answer your question - eventually, yes the north pole will be south and vice versa.

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