
Scientists estimate there are still 20-25,000 Polar Bears. How many do we really need?

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We are doing just fine without Passenger Pigeons, Sabertooth Tigers, and the California Grizzly Bear. Why all this worry about Polar Bears? Very few people get to see them anyway. Should we be more concerned with animals that are near popuklation centers, that people get to see and enjoy?




  1. You know I must disagree, right?

    I remember seeing a movie some time ago. In the movie the girl asked the boy -

    Do you know why the sky is blue? Because of me.

    Do you know why there are four seasons? because of me.

    Do you know why you (the boy) are here? because of me.


    There are billions of stars in the sky. They were there before there were human and they will still be there when all of us are long gone. I don't think they are there because we need them.

  2. If the last polar Bear in the wild dropped dead last night while we were all sleeping, and nobody told us, we would most likely live out the rest of our lives not knowing that they were gone.

    I do not hunt Polar bears, I do not eat Polar bears, I do not wear clothing or use products made from Polar bears.  

    Since they have been around for millions of years, and have survived thousands of  global warming and cooling cycles, I think they will be just fine.

  3. An increasing population is endangered?

    there were 5000 40 years ago.

  4. Go and do some reading on "the food chain"...then read it again...and then once you fathom it come back and ask your question.

  5. WOW!  Congratulations on the most human-centric statement of the year.  Do you really think the only purpose of wild animals is for our enjoyment?

  6. Judging by the question and the comments of john c and dawson perhaps the world would be a safer place if the hairless ape went extinct instead.

  7. Who the h**l said things existed just because you needed them?  The world doesn't revolve around humans, nor does it revolve around you.

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