
Score is 6-6. To play the 12-point tiebreak the player due to serve the next game serves the first point?

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Score is 6-6. To play the 12-point tiebreak the player due to serve the next game serves the first point?




  1. Yes, if there was no tie-break then whoever would be serving to try to go up 7-6 gets to serve first in the tie-break. It's not necessarily a 12 point tie-break. It can be as low as 7 or unlimited also (till someone has a 2 point difference).

  2. Yes.  Then the other player serves the next 2 points, and then the first player serves the next two, and so on, until someone wins 7 points by a margin of 2.  If they reach 6-6 in the tiebreaker, the first person to gain a 2 point advantage wins.

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