
Scoring system for teacher applications in Las Vegas?

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I was reading some previous questions about teacher hiring in Las Vegas and a couple of answers mentioned a scoring system for the application. They said that it was based on your first interview and application as well as experience, college GPA, and your answers to the questions in the interview.

I currently own a home in Las Vegas, but I am living in Macau China. I had my interview over the phone and it went ok. I later received a letter saying that I have been accepted as an applicant and my file is available for review by principals with vacancies. That was at the end of February. I still haven't heard anything and it has been over 3 months. I am planning on returning to Vegas this Fall or earlier if I am offered a position. Is there anyone who can tell me a little more about this scoring system? Do you think that my current location is affecting my "hireability?" Or could it be something else? How long does the process usually take? I am licensed to teach in Nevada.




  1. Clark County School District is large and there are always openings.  You did not say what you are licensed to teach.   As a current teacher in Las Vegas I suggest you contact HR again - If your application is on file they should be able to advise you on your status.  There is a window where current teachers are allowed to transfer which could delay hiring outside.  Hang in there - the district is always hiring.  Your location should not effect your status as teachers with diverse experiences are an asset in the classroom.

  2. to much word you suck

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