
Scorpio and Pisces?

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I'm a Scorpio female, completely fully attracted to a Pisces male on every single level. He says he is too, but he always seems so...distracted? What should I be doing to coax this along?




  1. i dislike scorpios , i dont like having s*x with water signs 2 much you guys are TOO emotional

  2. Do not push yourself too hard on the pisces male.

    My boyfriend is a pisces, and he can be very 'distracted' at times too. He will be moody and distant at times. However, I am also a pisces myself, so I can also get this way and I understand that it does not mean a lack of interest in the other person. It just happens.

    The pisces male probably won't want to feel too trapped. He will want things to go with the flow, and he will want you to as well. Take things easy and he will probably open up more as he begins to feel more comfortable.

  3. I once dated a Pisces guy who in my opinion was not a typical Pisces. Maybe it was cause he was only 17, but I didn't find him to be very romantic, and he was always distracted and had things on his mind other than me and he didn't seem to like just being alone with me as he didn't like the silence and was forever wondering what everyone else was up to and restless. He just wanted to be with his crowd. Sounds more like his age I guess, but it didn't work out between us.

    I am a Pisces, and I've heard that two Pisceans are not compatible, because we both need strong partners to take the lead with us, and Pisces people are not that. But Scorpio and Pisces are supposed to be a match made in Heaven, and I have been with a couple of Scorps and find this to be true. My heart is aching for a male Scorp right now, but he really is confusing me.

  4. Pisces are born in this way... You cant change it but to follow... they are like fish alway swim around and will not always stay in one place.

    According to the greek mythology(the story of pisces), pisces is two fish attached by a string as so they wouldn't lose one another while swimming. So to clear your problem, you should follow the flow of pisces as to be as a fish that attach to it.

    Pisces always refer to romance, beauty and love. Following the flow may even bring you true love, who knows.....
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