
Scorpio and scorpio.....?

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yep. kinda funny. i've heard it could be either the best relationship or it could be very rocky. just want some opinions.




  1. rocky but hott s*x

  2. Although Scorpios have many good traits they also have some faults that run to extremes and these are likely to turn on each other in a close relationship.  The first impressions they get of one another could be a wild infatuation that may deepen into love very quickly.  As typical Scorpios they have some very violent likes and dislikes and if these are not shared, or exactly in tune with the others views, neither will budge or compromise to restore the peace.

       They each share traits of suspicion and jealousy which is deeply ingrained in their natures, although loyalty to one another may act as a check on these emotions.  The male of the species must be the bread winner and the guiding light of the match and if challenged for this position by the female it is likely to cause his aggressiveness to show, this is when the fights will start.  The arguments could be strong enough to degenerate into actual physical fights.  Too much of this and, Scorpio like, they both could start drowning their sorrows in the bottom of a bottle.

       Their passions are shared and the fires of desire burns brightly and this is possibly what will keep their relationship on a sane level.  While understanding each other quite well they will continue to fight for what one hates in the other is the same aspect of his/herself that he/she is really fighting.  A nerve wracking relationship and not one made in Heaven.

    Scorpio and Scorpio:

    There is potential for these two to have a lasting love affair. Some Scorpio/Scorpio relationships have been legendary. Scorpio has finally met someone who understands them unconditionally or so they think.

    You would think that someone just like you would be your ideal lover, but think again. Although water needs water, water also needs other elements to sustain life. It’s either all or nothing when these two meet. They either fall in love and get married or have horrible s*x and become enemies for life. Only time will tell whether these two have what it takes to have a lasting love. Be aware that you both have a strong need to control your partner. This is where potential problems could arise.

    Possessiveness is also another area that could create problems. You could learn fascinating things from this other Scorpio so think about keeping them as a friend if the romance takes a detour.

    Compatibility Rating:  4 of 5

    I hope this helps!!!

    Best of Luck to You!! =)*

  3. since the scorpio has a strong personality, it tends to clash with other signs such as Aires, Leo, and even the fellow scorpio! Scorpio and Scorpio may not be the brightest batch, but they can be understanding to one another, and they know how and when to give compassion to each other. So I guess its 50/50. The pair has both its goods and its bads.

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