
Scorpio guy ? 2 shy? Why?

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This scorpio guy likes me . I am also a scorpio and i like him too. Yesterday on myspace i sent him a message with my phone number saying to call me if he wants, he said ok, but he didn't call. i'm 13, he's 14, is this a guy thing, what's up with him ? At school he's always hugging me, and staring + complimenting me. So why didnt he call yesterday? i dont wanna be the one to call anymore ! Is he not happy about getting my number ?




  1. scorpios are very mysterious, you should know

  2. mmm, well, first off it's not just about being a Scorpio.

    He's probably having this problem that he's holding the phone and doesn't know what to do... what to say, Do I call her, what would she think? What if I come across as a major dweeb for sounding really desperate in having to  call her...

    Well, the reality of it is, maybe he's just really self conscious as to what it may mean to you if he calls...

    It's the same as you gave him the number, with hopes that he's going to call, meaning that he really likes you...

    And you're probably feeling a little offended that he hasn't plucked up the courage to call... Would be awful if he does call and his courage fails him and his voice breaks and he sounds like a prepubescent boy instead... (high pitched voice that wobbles... happens to a lot of guys when they're nervous about calling a girl the first time)

    I think it might be best if you removed the pressure of him having to call you... Saying "call me if you want" is still a lot stronger than "Call me if you like"... Consider it a minor mistake on your part for putting him the spot, don't make a big deal out of it... and let him slide this time around.

    I'm Scorpio myself, it takes me a while to get in touch with someone, but I'm usually the first one to call... at least when I get seriously obsessed with someone and can't live without saying goodnight and I love you to the person every night.

    (tee - hee)

    Give him a lot of room, be generous with your views of him and don't fence him in too fast too soon. Scorpio or not, any guy or girl would appreciate not feeling prodded into things... Surely if it were you feeling the pressure, you won't appreciate it either... right?

  3. I'm not too much of a believer in astrology, but I admit that Scorpios are often "different."

    What does he like to do?  If you two share an interest it will give you a reason to be together without pressure.  Scorpios are often brainy, so look for something intellectual.

    Scorpios are physical, not vocal.  He isn't likely to ever call you much.  He wants to see you, hold your hand, etc.  But talking won't be a priority for him until you two have been together a while.

    Stay quietly interested in him till he makes his move.  Scorpios are easily spooked.

  4. Your move was an aggressive one, and if he's a shy guy, he's really going to be on the defensive and start backing up.

    Usually guys like to be the one to ask for a gal's phone number.

    Also, the whole courting/dating process is one big game. Who doesn't like to be chased? If the chase is too easy for you, you'll likely get tired quickly.

    A lot of times, if a gal is so quick to give up her phone number without prompting, a guy might get suspicious, wondering around the girl's intentions.

    But, like someone else said, he IS a scorpio, and as such, acts in mysterious ways.

    Let him come to you, don't push him. That just might just push him further away. He has your number, don't bring it up again.

  5. Well if he's shy thats probably why he isnt calling. In public he is around ppl and gets modivation, when he's at home looking at the phone by modivation. That could be something to do with why he hasnt called. Some guys just dont like to talk on the phone much either. Why not go for msn or something?

  6. He is just taking his time

  7. As children, some Scorpios are known to be intense, but some are also quiet. You are at that age where you are on the verge of leaving or you have just left childhood, and you are on the cusp of being an adult and being a child. For now, just let things play out to see where they are going....if things don't happen the way you want them to after awhile, then I would take charge and make sure you don't lose the guy you like.

  8. He's shy and you are kinda being naggy.  Just let it evolve the way it wants to, and try not to control the situation. :-)

    Relax and be PATIENT.

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