
Scorpio woman and Leo man compatible?

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Okay, I would appreciate anything -- I'm the Scorpio so if you have any insight into the future or predictions (real ones), I'd love to hear them as well.

Scorpio woman info:

Birth: 30 October 1981 7:42 PM

Tampa, FL USA

Leo man info:

Birth: 1 August 1987

Omaha, NE USA

Are these two people compatible? Lots of sources say we aren't, but so far we have been nothing but fantastic together. Thanks so much for your help. Any info is appreciated.




  1. i personally believe that scorpio's and Leo's are not compatible, due to the fact that Leo is a fire sign and Scorpio is a water sign,and we are all entitiled to our opinions.

    you COULD be compatible,depends on how you look at it.

  2. Leo Man and Scorpio Woman

    The zodiac match of a Leo man and a Scorpio woman will have to face a lot of difficulties in the long-term. Different personalities, but similar temperaments, are what lead to all the problems. He looks for romance, which is full of adventure, fantasy and excitement. She, on the other hand, looks for intensity in a relationship. Public displays of affection, which he loves, are not her cup of tea at all. Their aggressive, strong-willed personalities are bound to clash every now and then, leading to more fights than romantic songs!

    Love & Blessings


  3. They are just predictions. What matters is you love each other. :) THat counts the most I guess.

  4. Fire and water normally causes a lot of steam.  Having said that, there are many other factors as well.  Like rising signs which are arrived at from the time of your birth.  So each individual has 2 signs reigning over him or her.  The main star sign and the rising sign.  You could say the effect is about 50 - 50.  Many people do not know this.

    So..... you are a Scorpio but ..... something else too !

    Now this something else is very attracted to your Leo friend, hence the good times together.  

    Let us say you will be 50 % compatible at the end of the day.  In the end, it's not what you have but what you make of it that counts.  

    A loving and forgiving nature, good manners, healthy outlook will go a long way to have a happy relationship.  Being truthful and respecting the partner also helps a lot.  Good Luck !

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