
Scorpio woman question?

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I was involved with a scorpio. There were times we talked all the time and then she would disappear for days at a time (on the internet). At times I felt like she was testing me (like am I cool with some distance or clingy or determine my true interest--are my actions consistent with my words). Other times I felt like she was just distracted by life and the relationship was not as important to her as it was to me. It was hard to read because scorpio can be secretive and you can't pry too much without being stung (besides they will only say what they want). Do scorpio's play these games or was she just distracted or not as interested?




  1. some scorpios play alot of games,when they like you or respect you,they act like they cant stand you and are at times nasty,i am seeing an aqaurian gal that's coming to you anyways,be blessed

  2. no she's interested, but scorpios have a way of closing off when they feel they might be being manipulated too much,,,,,,,,but these things change with time and greater understanding,,,,,,,,and i'm sure things have changed/improved by now...

  3. I wouldn't trust a Scorpio woman if my life depended on it. Since this wasn't a person to person relationship, I'm sure she's probably running around wrapped up in her life. This doesn't mean she meant to harm you in any way but she's easily distracted and probably took the online relationship lightly. Then again, I can't say anything for sure because I haven't seen your conversations or how long you were speaking. If I were you, I'd try to take a vacation from worrying about it and check back in a week or so. If only women would give the feedback we need, haha!

  4. what's your sign?

  5. Not being one to rely much on the characteristics imposed by astrology, I would tend to say that the woman you speak of was behaving in a shallow manner, and that it is likely an online relationship was nothing more than a pass time to her until someone came along in her actual life.  This is one of the great hazards in online relationships, what some one says and what they truly feel or are, is not revealed.  By the time you go to the effort of meeting face to face, expectations are built to a point where both parties are likely to be disappointed.  Take care my friend, guard your heart.

  6. this i just a typical scorpio thing, comming from a scorpio woman myself. we have a tendency to test people before letting them get to know us. we also have a tendency to discard people once they seem to be less interesting to us, or once they fufilled their purpose.  

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