
Scorpios ...??

by  |  earlier

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god d**n it...i used my tail today scorpios....and i got into a useless fight with my brothers eye doctor...i was soo pissd\ed and i started yelling and stuff becuz the stupid doctor wouldnt change the glasses....

and now i have to wait 2 weeks...

i feel so misunderstood !!!! -___-

ughh!!! now i cant stop worrying.....

has anyone else been in this situation? (Scorpios only please!!)





  1. im the exact same way!

    i take things too seriously even though they shouldn't be taken that way

    i fought with mmy friend once when she was saying a joke all along

    then we got into a huge fight cause of that -_-

    i can't control myself sometimes, try to take deep breaths or say sorry if you hurt the person

    maybe even explain to them how you are and what you do when you take something seriously

  2. As a Scorpio I must say.

    Even though this sounds counterproductive...

    It's hard to give positive energy when the only thing being fed to you is negative energy.

    Maybe people should stop doing dumb things to make you lose it.

    That's just my opinion...

  3. i'm curious about how you managed to fight with, not your own eye doctor, but with your brother's eye doctor.

    but i won't ask

    well, when i'm mad, I usually stop talking, take a deep breath, and quickly imagining myself beating the c**p out of the other person. It helps me calm down a bit, so I can either say something to end the fight, or put the blame on the other person for starting the fight.

    i know, real mature, but sometimes i feel unable to express myself without yelling or crying, so that is what happens.

  4. There is hope on the horizon!  I use to be the same way, but I have mellow with some age.  It will come to you.  Once in a while, I can come unglued, but not anything like it was when I was younger.  But before I did mellow out, I had started working on my mouth.  I would just listen to the other's side and then tell them my side and usually we could come to an agreement.  I would really think things through and I got to the point where I could also see their side, but of course, mine was the right side!!  jk   Learning patience helped me alot.

    Go easy on yourself. It will come to you  :)  Good luck!

  5. well i guess u say only scorpios to see if any other scorpios have been in this sort of situation recently or if horoscopes have any truth behind them lol..

    well i have to say i actually had a pretty good day today.. i got to stay home by myself for the whole day (and i still am) in which i experienced some cases of peace and freedom and even had my boyfriend come over so we could do some-- erm-- FOOLING around aha.
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