
Scotland Fans?

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Why is it if Scotland ever win in a sport ( i know its not often ) but why the h**l do they go on and on and on and on about it for ever and ever and ever and ever ????like ok they won JUST over the weekend in rugby but both teams where **** and they think they where so cool .it was a c**p game to son played rugby that day and walked off the field with more points than both teams .Scotland won that game yes but England is still above them in the scores .




  1. Fully deserved the win,and to be honest the scots have not banged on about some other nations ( saying no names)

    England were outplayed and deserved to lose,well done scotland

  2. What is it with supporters these days?

    Why do they have to take their frustration at losing out on supporters of other teams, and try to spoil their buzz?

    If france beat wales on the weekend that is the last thing I will be doing..

    On other forums and with everything hanging in the balance, and a really important game..the french have been brilliant...and in many regards it will be a pleasure to lose to them..(as it would be in winning obviously).

  3. yes, it really irritates me because they all think they played amazing on saturday (which is not true). both sides played appallingly. scotland just won on penalties. there was nothing in it. both sides never looked like scoring.

  4. Scotland don't go on and on about it!! They deserved to win!! The media just keep going on and on and on about England!!!

    I'm Welsh by the way!!!!

  5. Are you xenophobic by a chance? people go on about the fact that they won because England were having a good 6 nations, scotland had lost everything, but beating engalnd and winning the Calcutta cup for 2 years in a row!

  6. We don't.

    But thanks for reminding me.

    What an awesome game.

    And well done to Wales for winning even with the terrible refereeing.

    Do you really have a son?

    You sound about twelve.

  7. o my god are you really stupid or just trying to wind people up,take off the bloody blinkers u have on if you dont relise  that whenever england wins at anything its top of the ebc yes the english brodcasting coperation even topping the bill over a major news event

  8. I am in England but let's give them credit where it's due, Scotland must have been the better team. Live and let live and let them be happy and celebrate. I haven't got a problem with that.

  9. well Scotland came runners up at the World Cricket League Division 1 and lost to Kenya... close enough?

  10. 1. most of them hate us we ever stop bangin on about 1966.give them their day.what goe,s round......

  11. Em world cup 66 springs to mind wasnt even born then and ive heard it that much i think i was there, dont be a sore loser give us something to brag about every 4 years or so, thanks

  12. Can anyone ever watch an england play footie without 66 being mentioned?  English commentators are the worst for going on and on, and yes maybe the scots are still going on about the rugby at the weekend but it was only last weekend not 40 years ago.  Seems to me that your still feeling a bit sore from the weekend??  scotland 15 england 9!  sorry couldn't resist!
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