
Scott Boras banned from baseball?

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Pete Rose has been banned from baseball... and he is a saint compared to this pathetic jerk Scott Boras. Who thinks he should be banned from representing players in MLB?

His recent fiasco with the Pedro Alvarez/Pirates deal is an embarassment to the league. He is just trying to s***w over the small-market teams in order to get his players huge contracts with teams like New York and Boston.

At least A-Rod was finally smart enough to fire him last year.

If you agree that he should be banned, leave a reply so that I can forward these comments to Commisioner Selig. Please refrain from using profanity.

Thank you.




  1. Bud Selig should throw Scott Boras out, then throw himself out.

    Good luck with either one of those.

  2. Not just the Alvarez dispute.  I suspect that he manipulated Manny Ramirez into getting himself traded from the Red Sox. The Sox had two one year club options on him, as to which Boras would not have collected a penny in commissions.  When Johnny Damon was negotiating with the Red Sox after the 2005 year, Seth Mnookin in Feeding the Monster reports that Boras delayed communications with the Red Sox to get a higher offer from the Yankees.  Reportedly Boras was afraid that Damon might have accepted the lower Red Sox offer to stay in Boston.  

  3. Yes and No.

    The players deserve an agent who can get them big contracts with teams that are going to win or actually have a chance to win.

    So the players would want him to stay in the league.

    Small teams like the Rays and Pirates, get screwed in this part through. Boras will demand millions from these teams for an average player, when they have a Hockey salary cap.

    So Yes and No he should be in there.

    Personally, I don't really mind him, but I would vote him gone if I had a chance too.

  4. There is no question that agents like Boras ruin baseball. Remember, these athletes are PLAYING a GAME. Something I had to PAY to do in little league. And then you see giant contracts for players that just make you think "how could 1 person even spend all that money?"

    Small market teams have trouble getting or keeping good players due to the agent's greed for commission. I dont like super agents like that...not one bit.

  5. I agree. I hate Bora$. He would sell his own grandmother for the right price. His players are pretty much guaranteed to go to a big market team because some teams just cannot afford them. I know a lot of his players are very good, but nobody deserves the amount of money he is getting them.

    I think every team should take the same approach as the Braves and White Sox (and probably a few other teams) and not even negotiate with Boras. If none of his players find teams, he won't have a job for too long. He manipulates everyone and screws everyone over. It doesn't matter who it is.

  6. Actually Arod didn't fire him, he 'publicly' told him to step back and let Arod handle the Yankees.  I believe that was a stunt more than real action because it successfully fooled the Yankees into believing that Arod really wanted to be a Yankee.

  7. I'm not a big fan of Boras, either. (And I'm a Yankees fan.) But there's no reason to ban him from baseball. He's only doing all he can to get the most money for his clients, which is what an agent is supposed to do. An agent has to look out for his client's best interest, especially financially.

    Note: A-Rod did separate from Boras because there was no way he would return to the Yankees if he didn't. Boras publicly embarrassed A-Rod by announcing he would opt out of his contract during the World Series. It made him look selfish.

    Boras has some awful tactics, but I'd love to have him on my side if it meant I'd get a lot of money and perks.  

  8. I extremely dislike him. Its thiis close to hate but i won't go there. i sure as heck won't mind if he's gone.

    Okay, i do admit that he is good for his clients and more intelligent than most.. players want $$$ and they want to be on better teams so they like him. I don't think he's going anywhere which sucks because all these things that he has done/is doing/is going to be doing.. its ridiculous.. he has no respect and he just screws everyone over.. Angels have two guys with Boras as their agent. Teixiera and Weaver.. siigh this sucks.

  9. Boras is not biased against smaller market teams. He'll s***w over anyone.

    He's more clever than most of the people in team front offices, and they hate that, but they're not very good at saying No to him.

  10. Scott Boras is everything to baseball that Drew Rosenhaus is to football.  He's greedy and arrogant and mindless, and his players are WAAAAAAY overpaid.

    I don't know that banning him from baseball would realistically be possible (despite the fact that it might be in baseball's best interests) but one of those "gentleman's agreements" like the owners had against the black ballplayers in the 1920's and 1930's where all the owners would refuse to negotiate with Scott might be a better way to go.

    I wouldn't negotiate with him if I was signing a new ballplayer, and I wouldn't draft a kid if I knew Boras was going to be his agent.

  11. Most definitely. His most recent stunt involving Pedro Alvarez and the Pirates is just his attempt to get back at the Bucs for them signing his client to an offer that he personally didn't like. He was also mad that another agent got more money for a lower pick. He is just the lowest agent there ever was.  

  12. I can understand someone trying to make a living by getting the player the best deal possible but Scott Boras should be banned from every sport agency in the world. He have no respect for the teams or the players out there except for his own bank account. He's the very definition of a greedy b*****d.  

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