
Scott Mclellan has called the U.S. media complicit enablers in Bush's war propaganda...?

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Now that the news media has been outed at the highest levels and not by fringe groups; will they be happy with the new public perception of them as Pravda?




  1. I don't find this to be a revelation.  I thought everyone knew that mainstream media is just propaganda.

  2. I thought it was a long-standing fact so nothing new, really?    

    Channels like Fox News which toady to the Bush regime and the general US conservative "heart land" are just a joke anyway.

    If you're American and want proper news, I'd recommend foreign news channels and web sites.

  3. Scott is absolutely right and good for him for pointing it out.. I and many, many others have been saying this for months.  The media has literally destroyed Clinton and are now starting in on McCain.

    It is wrong.. it is disgusting.. I have stopped watching CNN..MSNBC and Fox.  I have to get my news from BBC or CBC.. pretty sad statement on the state of our news Media.  I always hoped they would be the last to be bought out.. and I guess now they have been.

    Some of these people, like Wolf Blitzer  and his  silly group on the so called best television reporters on TV or something stupid like that.. they should be ashamed.. really ashamed to call them selves news men.  Shame! Shame!

  4. Must be a left winger, that s*****k is just out to make a buck and your stupid enough to by into it!!

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