
Scott Oliver Hall vs Kevin Scott Nash vs Sidney Ray Eudy vs Michael Lee Alfonso, who would win and how?

by Guest32050  |  earlier

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Scott Oliver Hall vs Kevin Scott Nash vs Sidney Ray Eudy vs Michael Lee Alfonso, who would win and how?




  1. Sid Vicious reverses Nash's jack knife powerbomb into a Sky slam and follows up with the Vicious crossface for the win.

  2. Kevin Nash if you mean in their prime he would win after a Jacknife Powerbomb to Sidney Ray Eudy.

  3. don't be a tool dude. Putting the wrestlers real names just to seem like a hardcore fan or some other bullshit.

    its just pathetic

    "oh look at me, i know their real names, you didn't know them and i did so i'm better. haha in your face"

    grow up douche

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