.............. So they said. However,
Mr Daytona is back.
Not sure about the loophole he has found in his " pay off never to race again " contract, but it must have worked!
This man :http://www.superbikeplanet.com/yamiow/image.jpg [ image will only work for the next 7 days ] with be racing at Daytona in 2008.
Full report here : http://www.superbikeplanet.com/2008/Feb/080229ym1.htm
As for his crash that [ killed ] him in the first palce : http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=nK3lAjLpWzc
This video is not for the faint hearted. If you DONT wont to see a racing motorcycle go in to a human bean almost at standstill, then dont look here.
So, my question ..................... Will Scott Ru$$ell do the business ? My own answer, YES. So much so I have £20 on it at Ladbrooks !
Your thoughts?