
Scottish Independence?

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I was wondering what other people's views on this issue were, I being Scottish (Highlander) am in favour of it and can see our economy booming especially with tourism.

what are your thoughts?




  1. Scotland should go it alone why not ? there is a h**l of a lot more scotland can support itself with than merely tourism. Did you know that 90% of all oil and gas drilling fall under Scottish territorial waters?

    Of course opponents say it will run out in 10 years but they have been saying that for the past 20 Alex Salmond is the cleverest debator Scotland has ever had and would make a fine World leader

  2. and what about farming our fishing industry, manufacturing, coal, shipbuilding, Whisky, banking and many many more of course that most debated of subjects Scotlands Oil! you make Scotland sound like a village with only tourism to prop it up but Yes I am all for Independence and am sick of the negative scaremongering of British Unionists,

    SNP ALL the way

  3. I am not sure why your economy would boom at all, Scotland is still a country whether its with Britain or not and I am against it, it ruins the name of Great Britain, it ruins the look and the culture. Your history with England is vast and I am against it due to the connection we should have and the love we should have as partners in the UK.


  4. The very premise upon which you base your pro-separate Scotland view is simply erroneous.

    Why, all of a sudden, would a separate Scotland see a boom in tourism etc?? Is this the bases upon which you would justify such highly disruptive political change?

    You ,like so many others around the world who favour separation should first think long and hard about all the possible NEGATIVES of such action and not dwell on the perceived benefits especially the ones you put forth .

  5. Martin, not sure if you are first genreation Scottish or not.  I've never heard any of my peers feel the need to put "Highlander/Lowlander/Islander etc" in descriptions of thesmelves.  To me this signifies you must surely be from the USA.  Scottish people are divided on the issue.  I'm all for it, but will have to wait until 2010 to get my chance to vote on the issue.
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