
Scottish MP for East Lothian,Anne Moffat was mugged by a gang of youths! She said"They are the Scum of Society

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Hi Michele S

That is the point I was making (in a bit of a round-about way)

NEVER! NEVER! NEVER! Would she have Dared to refer to them as "Scum" UNLESS they had been WHITE!

Every one else is a Friggin' victim!

And excuses must be made for their behaviour.




  1. Vince

    you're a friggin' genius!

  2. It is true that a Muslim may be any colour and so indeed might a Romany.

    I can appreciate the point that you seem to be trying to make in essence, but your argument needs a little more thought.

    Edit: Thank you for your considered reply.

    At the time of answering, I had given you the benefit of the doubt. I apologise for this, I was clearly wrong. You are plainly full of  manure!

  3. But have you noticed they did not say "White" muggers?

  4. Scumbags like that could equally be black afro caribbean, asian muslim, or even ethnic albanian illegal immigrants as well as our own home-grown white variety. And they all deserve to be called such if they would mug, rob and terrorise a late middle aged inoffensive lady.

    What is worrying is the actual perception on the streets is not just that the deterrents for this sort of crime are 'no sweat', but that in most cases they can get away with it 'scot-free'

    You can do what you like as far as I'm concerned with murders,rapists terrorists etc once they are caught, but to me the biggest deterrent is the near certainty of detection and capture. Is the perception that you can commit a crime and not even be brought to book a real one?

  5. nice to see and hear a politician being so eloquent, now she knows how many people feel. I don't condone what has happened but i often wonder if MP's were not driving around in fancy cars, and actually walking around seeing for themselves the problems on the street and not just watching it on the news then perhaps more might be done.

  6. I didn't realise her attackers were English, it didn't say that in the link?   However, while I feel sympathy for anyone who has been the victim of violence, the woman's story doesn't add up.  

    She believes she was unconscious for up to half an hour in broad daylight on a path popular with joggers, walkers and families.  The attackers also apparently took her expensive watch, tried to take a bracelet off her wrist, wrenched off a valuable ring, but failed to take the mobile phone she was holding in her hand - usually the first thing a mugger looks for!

    Of course, it could be the press misrepresenting facts as usual, or it could just be another MP seeking some political capital and sympathy.  Either way I find it peculiar.

  7. Ann Moffat is a Scot and she did not bring race/colour or creed into her comment ---what she said is clear & true --anyone who attacks inocent people no matter what race ( and  every race has them ) they are the scum of society .

  8. I think you are mistaken anyone can be called scum it's a non racist insult and covers all the groups you mentioned if they are involved in behaviour that is damaging and lowly. Personally I think racists are scum whatever colour/creed they are but what would I know I am just another Jock ***** eh!

  9. agreed

    so if she thinks they are bad she should pop into some 'communities' in birmingham .......she could be mugged by a variety of colours and creeds if she picks her areas carefully

    you are so right about the racist thing way would she have said that about black or asian youths ......

  10. I thought the account of events on the BBC was a little fishy sounding myself.  She sounds like she tripped and knocked herself out on a rock.

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