
Scottish footie fans?

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whats your most embarassing moment? go honest lol




  1. when I was a student, waterslides and flumes were a real novelty.

    I was at Butlins and being quite a roly poly type,I seemed to go down the slide much faster than I had expected and zoomed out of a flume

    and got to my feet to find my self standing in front of this guy with a fairly large boob hanging out of my swimming costume..Now that was embarrasing

  2. When i first made a rude noise from by backside in front of my boyfriend, only i was drunk and didn't remember he had to tell me about it!

  3. this avatar cant be far of it

  4. Going to the wrong funeral - and being caught red-handed.

    A neighbour from my childhood passed away a few years ago.  I was home on leave and my mother dropped the subtle hint that I should go along to represent the family.  I duly turned up at the Crematorium, and took a place at the back.  I should have mentioned that I hadn't seen the old fella for almost 20 years, as he moved to another part of town.  Anyway, I remember the priest referring to him as John, although everybody called the guy Jock.  No problem there.  At the end of the service, when everyone exchanges a few words and make their way, I was asked to the hall for a drink afterwards by a lady who was the mans sister.  Now the guy in question was a widower from when I was a lad, and as far as I know had no kids.  He was a very keen cyclist even as an elderly man, and was forever helping the kids in the streets repair their bikes.  So I am in this company and don't know a soul.  The converation was the usual respectful reminiscing, and eventually someone asked me what I remembered of John.  That's an easy one, I thought.  " I remember how keen he was for cycling, he kept all the kids in our streets bikes in top condition, too".  A sudden silence.  Then a wee lady pipes up, "I think you are getting confused, dear, John had both legs amputated, what, 40 years ago ?"

    Cue a very red face from me, one almost regurgitated sausage roll, and a very hasty exit from yours truly.  To make matters worse, I had to come back in as someone had blocked my car in the car park.  As I left, I heard at least 1 person muttering "Feckin professional mourners, their getting younger all the time !".

    Icing on the cake ?  I went from the funeral to my mothers house, and the minute I walked in she said, "Did you have your mobile switched off ? (Which I did, as I was going to a funeral),  "Old Jock's funeral isn't until tomorrow, I got mixed up and tried to phone you" !

    I still get embarrassed, even thinking about it.

    Adele, I can just picture the faces when they got out of the car.  Brilliant.

    Linzi, Dave, Rico, Bluebell, Helen and Kebab, I laughed at one and all.   Smiling as I type this....

    Sure beats the feckin tripe we see all too often, you know what I mean.........

    Respect, (and much laughter)...............

    Erra, that is a feckin classic.

  5. Utrinque paratus, i couldnt stop laughing at that, reminds me of the only fools and horses show of a similar vein!

    Mines:  heres the scene.  Club 18-30 holiday, first time away.  Sadly, with my ex (we split up weeks before the holiday), her sis and her mate, her sis' boyfriend and his mate (the lads were sound, the ex and sis were the erseholes).

    So, the 18-30 hens n stags night was of course that night.  Went on a bar crawl, played drinking games, that sort of thing.  Ended up at a bar with a couple of strippers, playing drinking games.  Done the "Dentists Chair" with half a bottle of smirnoff (half ending up all over me).

    There comes a time when a guy cant be bothered with sitting in a boozer at a sausage fest, even if the booze is flowing and the strippers... getting friendly with each other.  I wanted my nat king.  So out i went, into the warm night, to a bar directly across.  There was two girls at the door, with come to bed eyes, playfully using that "come here" finger gesture.  So off i went, into what i thought would be heaven.

    I hadnt got 6 feet in the door and about a dozen women jumped me and started ripping my gear off.  They wanted me naked.  Wearing a new expensive shirt, i wasnt having that, so started to strip them off to save me having to buy a new one.

    before i knew it i was on the floor having my socks and boxers yanked off me, and all my clothes were gone.  they managed to grab me and hold me back, the rep coming over and shoving my manhood in a pint glass of ice.  and announcing i had to do "im a little teapot" on stage to get my clothes - actions and all.

    Reluctantly i gave in.  And was blinded by flashing lights of cameras all around, taking photos of my shrivelled and cold manhood (yet very toned body...).

    Having completed the task i grabbed my clothes and started to put them on at the dj box, but the girls were having none of it, and i was thrown - naked - out onto veronica's strip, with revellers all around noticing this nude man trying to find a place to get clothed.

    Yes, some of the cameras were operated by the ex and her sis.  And yes, they got them developed in quick time the next morning, and the whole hotel had seen me naked and shrivelled (but toned and muscluar of course...) up on stage.

    T'was a good night.

  6. Sunday cant be more honest than that

  7. haha, i remember when i went to my first school disco, i was in first year and was a VL (vigin lips...when you havent 'nipped'/ snogged a lass) and started to get off with quite a pretty lass,

    i had on these  crackin combat style bottoms, but some knobber decided to skant me mid-kiss...i had on these bright white wee pants that had spacemen and space-ships on them, plus a hardon poking the pants towards the girl

    worst is, in these discos they have those florescent lights that make any white object go Very Very bright..........

    nuff said

  8. right rico what documentary was it...tell us

    mine was when i was having my daughter and they brought about 8 student midwives in to watch the birth..then proceeded to tell me to stop screaming....b*****s never even gave me pain think its cos there was 2 male nurses there...not nice...:-)

    lmao billy thats a classic....:-)

  9. last sunday comes close but I have a few others

    I once did an interview for a tv documentary and every second word was fek this fek that so they edited it down to about 15 seconds k***s

    and my wife was on for the rest half hour.

  10. cant tell you the worst,but getting caught wanking by ma was quite bad.makes it worse as it was only last week.
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